CRC Omics Candidate Presentation – Amrit Singh

“The power and promise of ‘omics-based data integration in public health research” – Amrit Singh

Location: Zoom Conference – details below | Time: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Details: Online presentation (1 hour) followed by question period (30 minutes).


  • The presentation will be recorded for those unable to attend the live presentation.
  • Please make sure your mic is muted during the presentation.

Topic: CRC Public Health Omics Candidate Presentation

Time: Jul 16, 2020 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Presentation Abstract:
Data from multiple sources are being collected and harmonized in an effort to use a holistic approach for studying public health. Meanwhile, advances in high throughput technologies have enabled collection of many omics-based data sources (genomics, proteomics) at the bulk and single cell level. Systems biology approaches combine information from different biological compartments in order to unravel the complex regulatory processes involved in health and disease. This talk will explore the opportunities and challenges with ‘omics-based data integration and how these approaches may be leveraged to answer public health questions.

Amrit Singh, Ph.D. is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Singh studies the molecular mechanisms underlying complex diseases such as asthma and heart failure from a systems perspective using both experimental and computational approaches. Dr. Singh also develops novel data integrative approaches as well as corresponding software tools and user interfaces for improved interpretation using interactive graphical visualizations. His work has been published in journals such as the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Bioinformatics, Canadian Journal of Cardiology, and PloS Computational Biology. His awards include the CIHR doctoral award, Mitacs Accelerate award and MSFHR Trainee award as well as funded grants both as an applicant and co-applicant from the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation and BC Lung Association. He served as director and then president of the nation-wide AllerGen Student and New Professionals Network leadership committee from 2013-17. Dr. Singh has taught programming/statistical workshops at the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation, BC Centre for Disease Control as well as a graduate course on Statistical Methods in High Dimensional Biology at UBC. Dr. Singh’s curriculum vitae can be found at

Please send your candidate feedback to the search committee Chair Jeremy Snyder and/or committee at

Committee Members:
Tania Bubela – Chair
Robert Hogg
Zabrina Brumme
Don Sin
Scott Tebbutt
Will Hsiao