As many of you already know, the University is implementing Workday, a human resources and finical system in November, with a go live date of November 2, 2020. It will track vacation and other leaves and will replace the current manual system we have been using for years. In order to prepare for this we need to report your vacation and sick time.
After the go live date on November 2, 2020, all staff will enter vacation and other leaves in Workday. Your manager will be responsible for approval of this in Workday.
Training on how to enter and approve absences in Workday is available here:
- Training for all employees: Link to course
- Module 3 | Job Aid
- Training for managers: Link to course
- Module 2 | Job Aid
It is also important that staff use their annual vacation entitlement within each calendar year. It should only be exceptional circumstances that staff might be unable to use all their vacation days in a given year. In these circumstances only, certain employees are able to carry over a maximum of 10 days (15 days for the year of 2020 only) of unused vacation into the following year, with their manager’s approval. If you are unsure of what your current entitlement is please do no hesitate to ask Chris or myself.
Vacation entitlements are in place to allow staff time off to rest and provide a sufficient break from work that they are able to maintain good physical and mental health.
Please send in your vacation and sick time in hours through to and including November 15th and copy your manager or PI to both Chris Robinson and Kelly Ceron. For those of you who are M&P staff you are not required to provide you sick time hours.
HR requires this information by October 21, 2020.
Thank you and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you,
Human Resources