HLI Weekly Schedule for November 30 – December 4, 2020

Please note the upcoming seminars, events and educational courses for this upcoming week for November 30 – December 4, 2020

Monday, November 30th

  • 0900-1000 – ZOOM Virtual RIP
    Development of Oncolytic Coxsackievirus B3 for Breast Cancer Therapy – Amirhossein Bahreyni
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 618 7697 7684 and Passcode: 747268)

Tuesday, December 1st

  • 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Lung Structure and Function
    Brad Quon
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 631 5182 3122 and Passcode: 954728)

Wednesday, December 2nd

Thursday, December 3rd

  • 0800-0900 – ZOOM Virtual Respiratory Rounds
    Using NO for Lung Transplant – Marcello Cypel
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 932 2661 2845 and Passcode: 612845)

Friday, December 4th

  • 1130-1230 – ZOOM Virtual HLI Seminar Series
    Update on the ARBs CORONA research program – from peptides and proteomics to trials – Jim Russell
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 634 7059 8626 Passcode: 874304)
  • 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Pulmonary Rounds
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 681 7216 8132 and Passcode: 332083)