Medical Masks Required If You Are Coming On Site

In light of the Provincial Health Officer’s new orders issued Nov 19th, and the Ministry of Health’s policy, see link below, everyone coming to work on site, is required to wear a medical mask (blue surgical mask) or a cloth mask that has 3 layers, when entering the hospital. If you are working alone in a non-patient area, such as an office, you can take your mask off while alone. Surgical masks are provided at the main entrance of the hospital. HLI reception also has a small stock of both surgical masks and some UBC cloth masks. Reception is open Mon, Tues, and Thurs from 10 am to 3 pm. On Wed and Fridays, you can call 68852 or 64005 if you need a mask or get one from the front entrance or parking level greeters.

Remember that the best offense against COVID-19 is a multilayered defense. Wear a mask, physically distance, wash your hands, clean and disinfect surfaces and high touch areas you have been in before and after. If you can work remotely please do so.

Ministry of Health Policy

PHC Town Hall – Nov. 19, 2020

Thank you,
HLI Operations