An Important Outbreak Update for St. Paul’s Staff and Medical Staff

This is forwarded on behalf of Janet Kow, Interim Vice President for Pandemic Response; and Grant McCullough, Executive Director, Professional Practice, Nursing, and Clinical Informatics

Please be aware that this is an evolving situation, and the information below represents what is known at the time of publication.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Dear St. Paul’s Hospital staff, Medical Staff, Residents and Contracted Staff,

This is to let you know that on January 22, Public Health declared a COVID-19 outbreak on the 7C Medicine Unit at St. Paul’s Hospital after four patients tested positive. There are no positive staff cases to date.

We currently also have COVID-19 outbreaks on the following units:

  • 5A/5B/CSICU – 29 staff, 16 patients (8 discharged)
  • 6B – 3 staff, 4 patients

Apart from the areas on outbreak precautions, St. Paul’s Hospital remains open and is prepared to safely receive and care for all individuals who require urgent and emergent care.

Outbreak units (5A/5B/CSICU, 6B and 7C):

These units are closed to new admissions and transfers at this time. All visitation has been suspended until the outbreak measures have been lifted; the exception being for compassionate visits at the end of life.

Due to cohorting and discharges, 5B now has no admitted patients and is being prepared (including deep cleaning) for eventual re-opening. The CSICU may soon have no admitted patients, and will also be readied for eventual re-opening.

Staff testing:

Staff testing is underway and additional swabbing clinics are being planned for the coming days. We continue to ask our staff to remain vigilant and immediately self-isolate and report any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection. We ask that you talk to your leaders about staff testing and for more information.

As with any outbreak, strict infection prevention and control protocols are being implemented to minimize any further exposure and spread of COVID.

Infection Prevention and Control Measures:

  • Out of an abundance of caution, all patients in Medical and Surgical units at the hospital are on contact and droplet precautions.
  • Enhanced cleaning is underway. Additional housekeeping staff are being brought in to deep clean units with COVID-19 positive cases.
  • Testing of all patients and staff working in affected areas
  • Careful and continued monitoring of patients, staff and physicians
  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfection of all high-touch surfaces
  • Closure of affected units to patient admissions/transfers
  • Self-monitoring or self-isolation of staff/physicians as required
  • Cohorting patients and care teams most appropriately
  • Suspension of visitors to the unit (with exemptions for end-of-life situations)

Health and Safety Reminders:

  • We ask staff to please refrain from unnecessary or social visits to units other than where you work.
  • It is essential that everyone maintain physical distancing and proper usage of PPE at all times and in all locations. If it is not possible to maintain 6ft of space during meetings and shift handover, optimize the space available, keep your mask in place and do not eat or drink anything.
  • If there is less than 6ft between you and your co-worker in your office space, it is not safe to remove your mask. Please leave and find a safe, distanced break area to have your coffee.
  • Do not share any foods, beverages or common containers such as a coffee pot or a container of cream. Physical distancing and IPAC protocols are especially important in break rooms. Stagger your breaks and obey room occupancy limits. Declutter and disinfect surfaces in break rooms before and after use.
  • If you have even the slightest of symptoms, please don’t come to work. Get tested and wait for the results. If symptoms develop at work, inform your manager, leave work and get tested at one of the community testing sites.
  • Even if you have recently tested negative for COVID-19, or have received the vaccine, do not let your guard down.
  • Some people experience temporary symptoms after receiving a vaccine. Even if you have recently received the COVID-19 vaccine, if you develop any
  • Symptoms please immediately go for testing.
  • Remember that excellent hand hygiene is important for protecting yourself against COVID-19 and other pathogens. Hand hygiene should be performed: When entering and exiting medical facility, unit, ward, or clinic; before and after patient contact or contact with patient environment; before and after contact with a health-care provider or their work environment; and before donning and during/after doffing PPE.

More information for staff:

  • Please refer to the staff Q&A PDF above for more information for staff regarding this outbreak.

Here at Providence, we’re grateful, proud, and honoured to have a hardworking and compassionate team caring for our patients during COVID-19. Thank you all for providing exceptional and compassionate care during this difficult time.

Thank you.