HLI Trainee Association Logo

The HLI Trainee Association has been around for almost two years. Our organization aims to enhance the academic experience of all trainees by providing an environment to foster enhanced collaboration, education, professional growth, and career success. We have helped organize the annual HLI Research Day, Faculty of Medicine Career Week, and monthly social activities.

However, we still do not have a logo. We are currently in the process of creating the Trainee Association logo, and we would love to get your input.

If you have any ideas about what the logo should look like please send your ideas to Simran Samra.

You can describe your ideas or, if you are a little more creative, can send us a design.

If you are going to send us a design, please follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Use less than three colours
  • Use easy-to-read fonts
  • The design needs to be a vector
  • The design should be simple and not too intricate
  • Needs to look good in color and black and white
  • Please send your ideas by February 26th. Top entries will get prizes.

We are also looking to hire an HLI trainee who has Photoshop experience, to take the design ideas we receive and create the official Trainee Association logo. Please email Simran Samra if you are interested.

Thank you,
HLI Trainee Association