Pink Shirt Day – February 24, 2021

Dear HLI family,

Pink Shirt Day is almost here!

  1. Wear pink to show your support for the anti bullying movement on February 24th, Pink Shirt Day and send a photo of your fit to Basak Sahin to be part of HLI’s pink collage!
  2. Join us for a Zoom call for conversations on February 24th.

As the general theme of life these days, we would like to discuss COVID-19 in the context of Pink Shirt day, mainly in the context of respect.

We will be discussing:

  • History of pink shirt day and this year’s theme.
  • The effect of COVID-19, mainly on mental health and the effect of kindness and respect during a pandemic.
  • Mental health resources for staff, students, Postdocs & Grad Students and Residents.
  • How to navigate in a workplace where people have different levels of comfort during a pandemic.

Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Location: Zoom Conference – details below

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 628 6852 2272

Passcode: 527909

Dial by your location: +1 778 907 2071 (Vancouver)