HLI Team Player of the Quarter – September 2021

Congratulations to Katrina Besler (Francis Lab) and Naomi Potter (Quon Lab) for being the HLI Team Player of the Quarter (September 2021).


  • Both of these nominees worked extremely hard to organize a recent event. They are both always eager to help and provide guidance to students.
  • Both worked tirelessly to make this week long event happen. They continue to pull trainees together to create a sense of community and involvement. Their dedication deserves recognition.
  • I would like to nominate both for their ‘joint’ leadership and amazing professionalism, work ethic inspiration of a very successful event. HLI can be proud of these two team players!
  • They organized abstracts from trainees, invited external speakers, chaired sessions and the poster event was a great way to see the research going on at HLI and to interact with students. Well done.