PHC: Important Update Regarding Mandatory Vaccinations

On September 13, 2021, the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) announced that all employees in the health sector will be required to be fully (two doses) vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 26, 2021. This expands the current requirement, which applies to workers in long-term care, assisted living for seniors and other long term care settings, to other care settings.

We expect the PHO Order with specific details in the coming days. While it is still unknown as to which settings the Order will apply, we are expecting it will apply to all Providence staff – please become fully vaccinated as soon as possible – do not wait. If you have not received your first vaccination dose yet, please do so immediately to avoid possible negative employment consequences.

Below is the timeline for staff to become fully vaccinated by the October 26, 2021 deadline.

September 27, 2021 – Deadline for First Dose of Vaccine

In order to meet the October 26, 2021 deadline, you must receive your first dose by today, September 27, 2021.

October 25, 2021 – Deadline for Second Dose of Vaccine

After you have received your first dose, you must receive your second dose on or before October 25, 2021.

October 26, 2021 – Both Vaccine Doses Required to Work

As of October 26, 2021, if you have not received your second dose, you will not be permitted to work and will be placed on leave without pay which may result other employment consequences, up to and including termination of employment.

Drop-in vaccine clinics are in communities around B.C. You don’t need to register online or phone before you arrive. Find more information on a clinic near you at:

If you have questions about COVID-19 vaccines, detailed information is available on the BCCDC website at:

Thank you to all of our staff and medical staff who have already been vaccinated. Your actions have helped ensure the safety of your colleagues and those we serve.

If you have any questions about this upcoming requirement, please contact Sandy Coughlin, Director, Occupational Health & Safety (