PHC COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Information

Please follow the instructions below to be registered for an optional booster-vaccine. Most HLI staff and students would fall into Category 3 or 4 described below.

The attached COVID-19 update was distributed to all PHC staff yesterday evening. It is also posted online on an accessible site:


Health care workers in specific settings are a priority for a booster shot. As this program moves forward, health care workers across the different parts of the health sector will be invited between now and the end of January to receive a booster. In order to receive an invitation for your booster dose when you become eligible, you must be registered on the Get Vaccinated online system.

In addition, you will also need to self-identify as a health-care worker on the Get Vaccinated system in one of the following five categories:

  • Category 1: Long-term care (LTC)/assisted-living (AL) staff, medical and workers – includes everyone working on site in LTC and AL sites.
  • Category 2: Hospital critical care/emergency department/medicine staff, medical staff and workers – all individuals working in the listed care areas (critical care, emergency and medicine units) in acute-care hospitals.
  • Category 3: Other hospital staff, medical staff and workers – all individuals working in other care areas of the hospital not covered by Category 2, as well as any corporate/administrative staff working on site in the hospital.
  • Category 4: Health authority community staff, medical staff and workers – this includes all health authority staff, professionals and workers working in non-hospital areas and includes all other health authority administrative, corporate staff who are not included in categories 1, 2 or 3 above.
  • Category 5: Other community staff, medical staff and workers – this includes all non-health authority health providers, staff and other workers in the community health sector.

Please complete the actions listed below under “What you need to do” as soon as possible so you can receive an invitation when it’s your time to book. Drop-ins for booster doses are not permitted. Invitations will be sent out based on eligibility. We thank you for your patience and cooperation as the Province works to quickly and efficiently provide booster vaccinations to more than 4 million British Columbians.

What you need to do:

Starting immediately, all health care staff can follow the link below in order to self-identify as a health-care worker.

  1. You will need to have ready the following information to complete your self-identification on the system:
    • PHN (Personal Health Number, found on the back of your Driver’s License or CareCard)
    • Date of birth
    • Date of a previous COVID-19 vaccine (either Dose 1 or Dose 2)
    • Target population access code: Y6383E!
      • Note: if you are not yet registered on the Get Vaccinated provincial website, you will be directed to a webpage to do so before you are able to complete this step.
  2. Go to the Get Vaccinated provincial website for COVID-19 boosters, target populations here:
  3. After you have entered the information requested, you will be redirected to a second page to indicate which specific category you fall into. You will be asked to certify that the information provided is accurate. If any of the information you enter does not match what is on file, you may be redirected to contact the call centre for assistance and to verify your information.
  4. Once you complete these steps, you are identified in the system and will be invited when it’s your turn to book an appointment. Please wait for your invite rather than phoning the call centre. Drop-ins at clinics or pharmacies are not permitted for booster shots.

This self-identification link and access code are intended only for identified health care workers at this time. By choosing to self-identify through this service, you are acknowledging that you have received this code from your employer.

This link and code are not transferrable. If the code is misused, it will be cancelled and the ability to continue with the vaccination through this program may be compromised. Anyone booking an appointment who is not an eligible member of this group will be turned away at the clinic.

What you need to know for your appointment:

  • Anyone arriving who is not eligible will be turned away.
  • Please do not attend the clinic if you are feeling unwell, experiencing COVID-like symptoms, or if you have been asked by Public Health to self-isolate.
  • Please bring: your driver’s license or other photo ID, personal health number/BC Services Card if you have one and your Employee ID, badge or paystub, if you have one.
  • You will be provided with a medical mask and reminded to follow physical-distancing guidelines while at the clinic.
  • After you receive your vaccination, please plan to stay on site for 15 minutes to ensure you experience no adverse effects.

Please visit the B.C. Centre for Disease Control website for information related to:

  • Resources for health professionals
  • Vaccine safety and effectiveness
  • B.C.’s plan for vaccine distribution
  • Vaccine approval process
  • Overview of COVID-19 in B.C.

Questions or Concerns?
If you have questions or concerns, please email