HLI Weekly Schedule for December 6 – December 10, 2021

Please note the upcoming seminars, events and educational courses for this upcoming week for December 6 – December 10, 2021

Monday, December 6th

  • 0900-1000 – ZOOM Virtual RIP

    Titin Truncating variants and risk of atrial fibrillation – Kate Huang
    (last seminar of the year. Resuming January 10th w/ Miguel Prieto)
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 693 1997 7044 and Passcode: 030679)

Tuesday, December 7th

  • 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Lung Structure and Function
    Brad Quon
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 614 3846 9351 and Passcode: 465002)

Wednesday, December 8th

Thursday, December 9th

  • 0800-0900 – ZOOM Virtual Respiratory Rounds
    Fine and ultrafine particulate matter impacts on clinical outcomes in patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease – Gillian Goobie
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 971 805 2087 and Passcode: 5678)

Friday, December 10th

  • 1130-1230 – ZOOM Virtual HLI Seminar Series
    In Vivo Micro-CT as a Means of Monitoring Respiratory Disease – Nancy Ford
    (last seminar of the year. Resuming January 14th w/ Rihab Bouchareb)
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 662 2255 0438 and Passcode: 623137)
  • 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Pulmonary Rounds
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 948 6114 5658 and Passcode: 145658)