HLI Weekly Schedule for January 10 – January 14, 2022

Please note the upcoming seminars, events and educational courses for this upcoming week for January 10 – January 14, 2022

Monday, January 10th

  • 0900-1000 – ZOOM Virtual RIP
    Exploration of factors that predict progression to non-tuberculous Mycobacteria active disease in patients with cystic fibrosis – Miguel Prieto
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 693 1997 7044 and Passcode: 030679)

Tuesday, January 11th

  • 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Lung Structure and Function
    No Seminar. Resuming January 18th w/ Chris Rider (Chris Carlsten)
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 614 3846 9351 and Passcode: 465002)

Wednesday, January 12th

Thursday, January 13th

  • 0800-0900 – ZOOM Virtual Respiratory Rounds
    Vascular malformations – Marie Faughnan
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 618 7007 6075 and Passcode: 327466)
  • 1200-1300 – ZOOM Knowledge Translation & Mobilization (KTM) Training
    KTM Stakeholders
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 687 3718 1912 and Passcode: 131549)

Friday, January 14th

  • 1130-1230 – ZOOM Virtual HLI Seminar Series
    From apoptosis towards fibrosis: The active process of aortic valve calcification – Rihab Bouchareb
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 662 2255 0438 and Passcode: 623137)
  • 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Pulmonary Rounds
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 948 6114 5658 and Passcode: 145658)