KTM Training Sessions – March 10, 2022

Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM


  • Zoom Conference – details below
  • Gourlay Conference Room 103 – see notes below

Topic: Networking in KTM

Speaker: Networking Panel

Note: Please make sure your mic is muted during the presentation.

In-Person: Please be responsible, physically distance and make use of the hand sanitizers and sanitization station.

** FINAL KTM Training Sessions

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 678 3718 1912

Passcode: 131549

Call In: 778-907-2071

The session will also be recorded for upload to the KTM canvas page. The KTM training sessions will cover a variety of topics in KTM taking place every Thursday from 12-1 PM from January 6 – March 10th (see schedule). We encourage you to attend live sessions, but recordings will be available on canvas if you can’t make it.

To get ready for the launch of our KTM training:

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like more information (Naomi.Potter@hli.ubc.ca).

Naomi Potter
Research Assistant, Knowledge Translation & Mobilization Project