HLI Weekly Schedule for May 16 – May 20, 2022

Please note the upcoming seminars, events and educational courses for this upcoming week for May 16 – May 20, 2022

Monday, May 16th

  • 0900-1000 – ZOOM Virtual RIP
    Increasing circulating Lysosomal Acid Lipase for reduction of atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient mice using mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles – Katrina Besler
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 693 1997 7044 and Passcode: 030679)

Tuesday, May 17th

  • 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Lung Structure and Function
    ATS Practice
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 648 3879 4410 and Passcode: 612422)

Wednesday, May 18th

  • 0900-1030 – ZOOM Virtual HLI Orientation
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 696 3092 6559 and Passcode: 040316)

Thursday, May 19th

  • 0800-0900 – ZOOM Virtual Respiratory Rounds
    Communicating medical evidence to patients: principles and practice – Scott Findlay
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 618 7007 6075 and Passcode: 327466)
  • 1200-1300 – Gourlay Conference Room 103 & ZOOM – KTM Patient & Public Form
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 628 7831 3800 and Passcode: 828427)

Friday, May 20th

  • 1130-1230 – ZOOM Virtual HLI Seminar Series
    Understanding & mitigating the inflammatory consequences of one-lung ventilation during lung surgery – Biniam Kidane
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 662 2255 0438 and Passcode: 623137)
  • 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Pulmonary Rounds
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 681 8322 4504 and Passcode: 166482)