HLI Trainee Association: Tea Time June Dates

The HLI Trainee Association (TAHLI) is excited to announce Trainee Tea Time in the Gourlay Conference Room! The next meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, June 9, 2022 from 1-2 PM!

As COVID-19 restrictions start to get lifted, TAHLI has been planning on creating a trainees-only space and time. This would be a great opportunity to build a stronger trainee community here at HLI. This is a casual and relaxed space, where trainees can come make new connections, talk, or play board games with other trainees. Trainees are welcome to drop by for 5 minutes or stay the whole hour. We’ll also have snacks and hot drinks available, such as tea, hot chocolate and apple cider. So don’t forget to bring a mug or thermos if you’re interested in having a beverage!

Trainee Tea Time will occur every week on alternating Wednesdays from 4-5 PM and Thursdays from 1-2 PM. The remaining dates for June are as follows:

  • Thursday, June 9th from 1-2 PM
  • Wednesday, June 15th from 4-5 PM
  • Thursday, June 23rd from 1-2 PM
  • Wednesday, June 29th from 4-5 PM

We hope to see you there!

Sunaina Chopra
Internal Communications Coordinator
HLI Trainee Association (TAHLI)