UBC: Masks No Longer Required In UBC Public Indoor Spaces After June 30, 2022

In April, UBC announced it was requiring masks to be worn in indoor public spaces until June 30, 2022. This decision was in support of our students, faculty and staff, as we continued to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and the Omicron variant.

Since that time, public health data has indicated that BC has passed the 6th wave of the pandemic. After consulting with internal stakeholders, and consistent with the position of the BC Provincial Health Officer, the university has made the decision to no longer require masks in public indoor spaces on campus after June 30.

As a reminder, students, faculty and staff who take part in academic activities outside of university campuses are still required to wear a mask if mandated by a Public Health Order; for example, in health care settings.

Thank you to all our students, faculty and staff for your support and cooperation over the last few months. Although we are no longer requiring masks on campus, it is important to continue to maintain a safe environment by doing the following:

  • Know the symptoms of COVID-19 and complete a daily health assessment. If you are sick, stay at home. Learn about the self-assessment tool at: https://bc.thrive.health
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • We strongly recommend that all UBC community members get vaccinated and if eligible, receive their booster dose. You can learn more at: https://immunizebc.ca
  • As a reminder, in BC, free vaccines are available to students arriving from international destinations and other provinces.

We appreciate some members of our community may wish to continue wearing masks, and we ask all our students, faculty and staff to be respectful of these decisions. Individuals may also want to use their discretion regarding mask wearing when gathering in small spaces. As we have seen during the last two years, it is important to show empathy for one another, understanding that everyone has different circumstances as we move through the pandemic.

UBC will continue to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 as we head into the fall, and is well placed to adjust its approach if required. Wishing you all a safe and restful summer.

Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor