HLI Core Services – Change To Some Service Fee Rates

Dear HLI Core Services Users,

The current economic conditions with escalating prices of goods and services continue to present challenges for many industries, including our own research community. Laboratory and pharmaceutical supplies are in high demand and costs are approximately 20-50% higher than one year ago. Furthermore, lead times for materials such as reagents, IT equipment and replacement parts are taking much longer to receive than it has in previous years. Due to changes in the world market, we are expecting further increases in the coming months.

The HLI Core Services group which include GEM Preclinical Services, Information Technology, Molecular Phenotyping, Cellular Imaging, Histology, Aperio Imaging and Poster Printing, MRI Core, Freezers and Biobanking, sets their service fee prices for supplies and materials based on a cost recovery model. To reflect current market costs, we regret that some cores will need to update service rates by a nominal amount. These increases will be reflected on July invoices to be issued.

Thanks for your understanding with this situation.

HLI Operations