Summer Clothing in Research Facilities

Appropriate Summer Clothing in Research Facilities

During the summer season, some of the research space at UBC can become quite warm. Lab personnel may desire to offset the higher temperatures by wearing shorts and sandals; however, such choices pose significant safety risks and are prohibited by regulation. Safer options include taking more frequent breaks, utilizing fans, choosing lighter-weight garments, and alternative working hours. The discomfort of an unpleasantly warm workplace pales in comparison to that experienced when one is exposed to toxic and hazardous materials. The minimum requirements for PPE in a wet lab include:

  • fully covered, liquid resistant footwear
  • long, loose fitting pants
  • buttoned lab coat with the sleeves rolled down

Please visit UBC Safety and Risk Services, general lab health & safety information page for additional details about PPE requirements.

Thank you and have a great summer!

HLI Health & Safety Committee