Trainee Opportunity: Scholarships/Peer Review, Trainee Wellness Committees

TAHLI (The HLI Trainee Association) is forming two new committees that may be of interest to you! We are looking for 5-10 trainees at any level to join each committee. These are great opportunities to not only improve your training experience but also gain leadership skills relevant to your career and add to your CV.

Staff and faculty who would like to get involved are welcome to contact us as well. Please let us know by November 4, 2022 if you are interested.

Trainee Wellness Committee:
This brand new committee will organize fun social events, wellness workshops, and other initiatives based on the needs of trainees, help trainees to access resources available from UBC such as counseling services and wellness courses, and advocate for a culture of wellness at HLI.

Committee members can choose which events they’d like to be involved in and at what capacity. Time commitment will include 1 hour meetings every 2-3 weeks (flexible depending on availability and amount of tasks). Please reach out to Maria Elishaev if you are interested!

Scholarships and Peer Review Committee:
This committee is focused on increasing trainee success with scholarships as well as developing peer review skills. We will work with the Grants Team to put on scholarship workshops and provide resources to trainees to improve scholarship outcomes, ensure that trainee awards offered by HLI meet trainee needs, and develop training workshops where trainees can practice and learn about the peer review process. Trainees involved in this committee may participate in peer review of following cycles of HLI awards. Commitment includes 1 hour monthly meetings, and optional involvement in workshops approximately every other month. Please email Katrina Besler if you would like to join.

If you are unable to join now but would be interested to get involved in the new year, please also contact us, as we may not have another callout for these committees until next fall.

Take care!
TAHLI Executive Team