2023 Meeting Room Bookings

It’s time to book the standing meetings for 2023. Please use this link to view and make your meeting room bookings: https://home.hli.ubc.ca/meeting-room-bookings/ . Booking through this link will allow you to modify your booking, and receive notifications of any changes that have been made. You can also include other people with HLI email addresses to the booking.

If you have trouble with your online booking, I can help if needed. Please provide the information below:

Meeting Title:
Meeting Contact Person and Extension:
Meeting Time and Day(s):
Meeting Length:
Meeting Location (Bates/Comox, Gourlay, 3B HLI, Audiovisual Conference RM 165):

Room bookings for 2023 will not be automatically renewed. You must enter your booking through the room booking link provided, or email me/reception.

Please keep in mind, that although the bookings are first-come-first-serve, those that are extending their booking from the previous year(s) will have “first dibs” at that date/time again. If you’re looking to book a new time, please look back at previous months to see if someone had that time slot before you.

Please do not hoard meeting rooms. If you’re not going to be using your meeting room, please either cancel your booking for that day via the online system, or let someone at the front desk know.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you!
Lori Dewolff
HLI Reception