Biostats Training Committee: Looking for Members!

If any of these describe you…

  • trying to analyze data but struggling with code
  • have a sense of impending doom because the above will soon be you
  • remember the pain and have ideas for helping others through the learning stages
  • intermediate level wanting to improve
  • a biostats rockstar willing to teach others
  • want to advocate for the importance of biostats training in research

…join the HLI Biostats Training Committee!

We welcome trainees, research associates, staff, and PIs. Meetings are ~1 hr per month (time/date based on member availability).

This committee will assess the needs of trainees at HLI in the area of biostats, create workshops/office hours/resources to respond to those needs, bring available resources and training strategies from other centers to HLI, and build a network of learners at various phases and mentors with developed skillsets at HLI.

Opportunities for:

  • leadership
  • teaching experience
  • and more!

Please contact Katrina Besler if you are interested.