Once a year, HLI recognizes exceptional members who have contributed to the Centre with awards. It is time again to submit nominations!
There are three awards which require nomination (one open to all members and two others only for staff, see below). Please join with your colleagues to nominate someone you have seen making exceptional contributions this year. All info including the application forms can be found at this link:
Awards to Nominate Someone for (Deadline Noon, Monday November 28, 2022):
We are now soliciting for nominations, and then voting for the winners of the award will occur for a week after the deadline. Please submit nomination forms outlining your reason for nomination along with five supporting signatures on or before noon, on Monday, November 28, 2022 to HLI Reception.
- The HLI Most Valuable Player Award (any HLI member eligible – grad students, students, post-docs, all staff, PIs)
- The Stuart Greene Service Award (only HLI staff eligible)
- The Alexandra (Sasha) Kerjner Technician of the Year Award (only HLI technicians or lab managers eligible)
* See award criteria on nomination forms. *
Visit the Annual Awards page to view all the details and to see previous recipients of the HLI Awards: https://home.hli.ubc.ca/hr/awards/
**The deadline is Monday, November 28, 2022 at noon for the HLI Awards nominations. Any nominations received after this time will not be accepted **
Awards will be presented at the December Quarterly Meeting.
Please contact Chris Robinson if you have any questions.
Thank you,
HLI Human Resources