Opportunity: Trainee Wellness, Biostats Training Committees

Please read below for two opportunities available!

  1. Trainee Wellness Committee:

Are you interested in…

    • organizing fun events (or just providing ideas for fun events!)
    • promoting a social atmosphere for trainees at HLI – brainstorming (and ranting) about work-life balance, student-supervisor relationships, failed experiments, and other issues trainees face
    • sharing your thoughts on mental health and wellness for trainees
    • advocating for an optimal training environment at HLI

Time commitment will include 1 hour meetings every 2-3 weeks (flexible depending on availability and amount of tasks). Committee members can choose which events they’d like to be involved in and at what capacity.

Please reach out to Maria Elishaev if you are interested! This committee will mainly be made up of graduate students and postdocs, but we welcome faculty/staff/undergrads to please also contact us if you would like updates or to support our committee as needs arise.

  1. Biostats Training Committee:

In the past year we’ve held a number of biostats workshops and office hours focused on building trainee skills in R and statistical analysis. This committee will keep up the great work, assessing the needs of trainees at HLI in this area, creating workshops/office hours/resources to respond to those needs, bringing available resources and training strategies from other centers to HLI, and building a network of learners at various phases and mentors with developed skillsets at HLI. Meetings will be ~once per month for 1 hour.

Please contact Katrina Besler if you are interested. We welcome faculty, staff, graduate students, postdocs, and undergrads. We are also recruiting committee co-chairs, so please express your interest in this as well.