EDI: Treasure Hunt Alert! – Find The Clue! – 2022
The spooky season is here!Do you have what it takes to solve the mystery?Find the clues around the centre, get some treats and solve the mystery to enter a draw…
The spooky season is here!Do you have what it takes to solve the mystery?Find the clues around the centre, get some treats and solve the mystery to enter a draw…
Date: Friday, October 28, 2022 Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Locations: Zoom Conference - details below Gourlay Conference Room 103 - see notes below Topic: ZIKA Virus Perturbs Importins…
We will be upgrading the HLI Webmail to a new version tomorrow (Wednesday, October 26, 2022). You can access it at https://webmail.hli.ubc.ca If you have any issues, please let us…
TAHLI (The HLI Trainee Association) is forming two new committees that may be of interest to you! We are looking for 5-10 trainees at any level to join each committee.…
Date: Thursday, October 27, 2022 Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Locations: Zoom Conference – details below DHCC 9299, VGH Topic: Precision medicine for sleep apnea- are we getting closer?…
Please note the upcoming seminars, events and educational courses for this upcoming week for October 24 - October 28, 2022 Monday, October 24th 0900-1000 - Gourlay Conference Room 103 -…
Date: Monday, October 24, 2022 Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Locations: Zoom Conference - details below Gourlay Conference Room 103 - see notes below Topic: Development of Oncolytic Coxsackievirus…
Please Join us for the screening of It Starts With Us: ‘Rock the Boat’ Reimagining Supervisory Relationships. Relevant to graduate students, staff, and faculty in supervisory relationships, this interactive event…
Date: Friday, October 21, 2022 Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Locations: Zoom Conference - details below Gourlay Conference Room 103 - see notes below Topic: Atrial Fibrosis as a…
All Health Care staff, volunteers, visitors, contractors, students and medical staff in patient care areas are required to receive the influenza vaccination or wear a surgical/procedure mask during flu season.…