TAHLI: HLI Snowshoeing – February 25, 2023

Everyone is welcome to join an HLI snowshoeing adventure on February 25th!

Wear some sturdy shoes that are warm and waterproof, like snowboots or hiking shoes. We may run into some snow, so be prepared with warm waterproof clothes.

We will meet by Cypress Mountain Nordic Area ticket booth by 10 AM (please leave time to find parking, and be punctual so we can buy tickets together!)

Please sign up on this sheet: put your name either as a driver or a passenger if you would like to carpool.

HLI will cover the cost of snowshoe rentals ($20), and you will need to pay for your own snowshoe day pass (another $20). For mentor-mentee pairs: If both you and your mentor/mentee attend, we will cover both your snowshoe day pass and rentals! Graduate students only: get reimbursed 50% ($10) for your passes by UBC GSS by submitting your receipt here:

See you on the mountain 🙂 Please email Katrina Besler if you have any questions. Contact for the day of will be Eric Xiang 778 896 1810.

If weather isn’t good we will try to reschedule for March 4th … stay tuned, we’ll contact everyone who signs up to confirm.

TAHLI + HLI Mentorship Program