The HLI Trainee Association (TAHLI) monthly meeting is:
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
- Zoom Conference – details below
- James Hogg Conference Centre Room 103 – see notes below
We recommend taking a read-through of the agenda, see below, to get a preview of what we plan to discuss during the meeting.
Joining us at the meeting will be a group from UBC advocating for better student working conditions. They are kindly providing free pizza to anyone that joins the meeting in the JHCC. They are hoping to obtain signatures from anyone that is paid through WorkDay, in order to get unionized as of next month. Unionization means advocating for fair wages, better training and support, protections, employment standards, and recognition as essential academic workers. To learn more, check out their link:
We hope to see you at the meeting!
Sunaina Chopra
Internal Communications Coordinator, HLI Trainee Association (TAHLI)
In-Person: Please be responsible, physically distance and make use of the hand sanitizers and sanitization station.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 610 9645 5083
Passcode: 402940
Call In: 778-907-2071