HLI Fall Quarterly Meeting – September 25, 2023

Please join us for our HLI Fall Quarterly Meeting.

Date: Monday, September 25, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM

  • Zoom Conference – detail below
  • James Hogg Conference Centre Room 103

Minutes from our HLI Summer Quarterly Meeting held on June 19, 2023

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 664 2403 7044
Passcode: 904407

Call In: 778-907-2071


  • Adoption of Minutes from June 19, 2023
  • Director’s Update
    • Dr. Don Sin – Centre News
  • Operational Updates
    • Chris Robinson – Human Resources
    • Claire Smits – Operations Updates
    • Ivan Leversage – Health & Safety, Education, Seminars and Events
    • Dr. Ying Wang – Biobank Updates – BMCB
    • Darren Sutherland – Biobank Updates – James Hogg Lung
    • Katrina Besler – TAHLI – HLI Trainee Association Update
    • Basak Sahin – Equity, Diversity Inclusion Committe Updates
    • Shu Sasaki – Introducing HLI’s new Communications Co-op
    • Tracy Yang – Introducing new members of the Finance Team
    • Dr. Evan Philips – Grants and Awards
    • Dr. Don Sin – Team Player of the Quarter Award
  • All – Questions

Next Quarterly Meeting is December xx, 2023