TAHLI: Mentorship Welcoming Event – October 11, 2023

Are you interested in building connections with your peers at HLI? A great place to start is with the Mentorship Program, where we create mentor-mentee pairings to support new trainees as they get started at HLI, while mentors are able to gain valuable leadership experience.

To learn more about the program and meet prospective mentors and mentees, please join us at the Mentorship Program Welcome Event. All trainees, whether post-doc, graduate or undergraduate, are welcome!

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Location: James Hogg Conference Centre Room 103

Please RSVP through this form by October 9th: https://forms.gle/dGm69DQ2rNmuqUpK8

If you are interested in being a mentee or mentor, but are unable to attend the event, or if you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact us at mentorship@hli.ubc.ca

We hope to see you all there!

Thank you,
HLI Mentorship Program
Email: mentorship@hli.ubc.ca