HLI Weekly Schedule for September 9 – September 13, 2024

Please note the upcoming seminars, events and educational courses for this upcoming week for September 9 – September 13, 2024

Monday, September 9th

  • 0900-1000 – James Hogg Conference Centre Room 103 – Hybrid – RIP
    Evaluation of Lioprotein Fractions And Macrophage-Smooth Muscle Cell Interations in Foam Cell Development – Eric Xiang
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 693 1997 7044 and Passcode: 030679)

Tuesday, September 10th

Wednesday, September 11th

  • 1000-1200 – James Hogg Conference Centre Room 103 – ESBE Product Show
  • 1300-1500 – James Hogg Conference Centre Room 103 – HLI Orientation

Thursday, September 12th

  • 0800-0900 – DHCC 9299, VGH – Hybrid – Respiratory Rounds
    Pharmacotherapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Sanjay Patel
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 922 7787 1194 and Passcode: 871194)
  • 1100-1230 – Audiovisual Conference Room 165 – Tissue Culture Training
  • 1330-1430 – James Hogg Conference Centre Room 103 – Special Seminar
    Applying New Technologies to Answer Biological Questions – Paola Marignani
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 662 2255 0438 and Passcode: 623137)

Friday, September 13th

  • 1130-1230 – James Hogg Conference Centre Room 103 – Hybrid – HLI Friday Seminar Series
    High Performance Concepts for Rehabilitation Professionals – Siobhan Milner
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 662 2255 0438 and Passcode: 623137)
  • 1300-1400 – DHCC 2263, VGH – Hybrid – Friday Rounds
    (ZOOM Meeting ID: 920 7537 9102 and Passcode: 379102)