Dragos Vasilescu

Core Director
M102 – 1st Floor McDonald Building

Aaron Barlow

Technicial Specialist
B53A – Basement Burrard South

Cellular Imaging and Biophysics (CIB) Core is a state-of-the-art microscopy and imaging facilities which supports the UBC Centre for Heart Lung Innovation’s educational and research missions. CIB at the HLI also provides services to individual institutions and private industry in high resolution imaging of cells and tissues in fixed and living specimens. In addition, we provide services in image analysis, consultations on microscopy related research projects.

Our Superresolution Confocal Microscope (SCM) can be used in the construction of 3D images of many biological systems and spatial distribution of up to 10 fluorescently labeled cellular objects including proteins with sub-diffraction resolution (<150 nm). This includes a temperature and humidity controlled live cell imaging module with cellular tracking. The capabilities of our advanced Multi Photon Excitation Microscopy (MPM) include the deep fluorescence imaging in thick tissues in vivo and ex vivo with intrinsic 3-dimensional resolution. Our MicroCT Imaging System (uCT) can generate 3D structural images of larger tissues and specimens with micrometer resolution using x-ray contrast. We are also equipped with a Wide Field Fluorescence Microscope (WFM) which is capable of performing high-speed, multi-wavelength fluorescence measurements in live cells. Our Image Processing G5 Mac Work Stations (IPS) are excellent tool for 3D reconstruction of from the series of 2D optical sections and also for the deconvolution methods.

The CIB Core is a versatile facility, striving to meet our goals through continued exploration, implementation, and refinement of imaging technologies, methods, and support options.


  • Technical support in experimental design to protocol development.
  • Instruction in general aspects of confocal microscopy.
  • Instruction in operation of confocal / two photon excitation microscopy.
  • Instruction in general aspects of image analysis.
  • Consultations on microscopy and imaging projects.