Virtual Pilates Classes!

Dear HLI members!

Introducing our Virtual Pilates Classes through UBC’s Healthy Workplaces Initiative Fund for our members to experience from home!

The classes are all levels, from beginner to experienced and will offer options for different levels of mobility.

Here is the info, what you need to know and the schedule (more dates to come!)

We will be kicking off with a 2 hr introductory workshop on Aug 26th. The workshop will cover a brief history of Pilates, fundamental skills and modifications for Pilates and how to set up for zoom classes. Overall a great workshop for everyone to attend. In the workshop the instructor will be offering options which include standing options and chair modifications in detail so anyone with mobility issues would greatly benefit from attending he initial workshop.

Please email Lela at to sign up for classes and fill out the participant survey so she can review before the class.

Stay Safe and Healthy!
Your T&E Committee