Rachel Eddy

MRI Core Associate Director
164 – 1st Floor Burrard Building

Advanced Imaging of Patients with Heart and Lung Disease

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Core at the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation provides access to state of-the-art MRI equipment and protocols dedicated to structure-function investigations of heart and lung disease.


Central to the facility is a Siemens Vida 3.0 Tesla clinical MRI scanner with a 70 cm bore and full complement of anatomy-specific RF coils for human imaging. This scanner includes broadband RF hardware capable of imaging hyperpolarized 129Xe gas as an inhaled contrast agent. Advanced research protocols are available for structure-function cardiac and pulmonary imaging.

Hyperpolarized 129Xe Gas Facility

The Polarean 129Xe Hyperpolarizer enables high-efficiency polarization of 129Xe gas as a contrast agent in combination with dedicated 129Xe lung RF coils for advanced functional lung imaging.


Our clinical and research technologists have extensive training on all MRI and polarizer equipment. Support is available at every project stage including experimental design, 129Xe MRI and other imaging-related REB applications, protocol development, training and hands-on advice for image and data analysis.

MRI Core Rates

ConsultationAll Studies$75/hour
MRI Rate

Including 1 MRI technologist

Second MRI technologist available for additional charge
Internal HLI Academic$200/hour
External non-HLI Academic$550/hour
IndustryNegotiated on individual study basis with sponsor
Pilot Rate$100/hour (maximum 3 hours)
Technical DevelopmentNegotiated on individual study basis
CancellationsNo charge with 2 days notice
Research Technician

129Xe hyperpolarizer operation, image analysis (where applicable)
Internal HLI Academic$35/hour
External non-HLI Academic$50/hour
129Xe GasAll 129Xe Studies$500/L
Lab Supplies

For 129Xe studies; includes disposable gas sampling bags and tubing, nitrogen gas, liquid nitrogen

Subject to change if large quantities of supplies requested
All 129Xe Studies$100/exam
Chest CT Scan

For paired acquisition with MRI

Inspiratory only or inspiratory and expiratory

Low-dose, non-contrast using established research protocol
Internal HLI Academic$600/scan
External non-HLI Academic$700/scan
IndustryNegotiated on individual study basis