Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
- Zoom Conference – details below
- Gourlay Conference Room 103 – see notes below
Topic: KTM Patient & Public Forum
Speaker: see below
Note: Please make sure your mic is muted during the presentation.
In-Person: Please be responsible, physically distance and make use of the hand sanitizers and sanitization station.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 628 7831 3800
Passcode: 828427
Call In: 778-907-2071
Join us for a patient & public forum hosted by the Knowledge Translation and Mobilization (KTM) program. Trainees will present their research in a lay format, followed by a Q&A period. This is open to the general public so please feel free to invite anyone who may be interested – non-HLI members should use this form to register:
The forum will be hosted primarily on zoom, with limited capacity in the Gourlay, *attendance via zoom is encouraged to keep covid safe*
Please come support our HLI Trainees! Our presenters are:
- Lauren Forgrave
- Sunaina Chopra
- Eric Xiang
- Katrina Besler
- Khushbu Patel
Hope to see you there!
Naomi Potter
Research Assistant, Knowledge Translation & Mobilization Project