Please note the upcoming seminars, events and educational courses for this upcoming week for June 13 – June 17, 2022
Monday, June 13th
- 0900-1000 – ZOOM Virtual RIP
No Seminar. SSRIP will start June 27th
(ZOOM Meeting ID: 693 1997 7044 and Passcode: 030679)
Tuesday, June 14th
- 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Lung Structure and Function
Remodeling of small airways and arterial vasculature is a hallmark of IPF – Andres Moran-Macdonald (Tillie Hackett)
(ZOOM Meeting ID: 648 3879 4410 and Passcode: 612422)
Wednesday, June 15th
- 1030-1200 – Gourlay Conference Room 103 – Bio-Rad Product Show
Thursday, June 16th
- 0800-0900 – ZOOM Virtual Respiratory Rounds
Being on the Spectrum: CFTR-related disorder and associated conditions – Bradley Quon
(ZOOM Meeting ID: 611 6148 1695 and Passcode: 229675)
Friday, June 17th
- 1130-1230 – ZOOM Virtual HLI Seminar Series
Modeling human lung development and disease using pluripotent stem cells – Amy Wong
(ZOOM Meeting ID: 662 2255 0438 and Passcode: 623137) - 1300-1400 – ZOOM Virtual Pulmonary Rounds
(ZOOM Meeting ID: 681 8322 4504 and Passcode: 166482)