HLI Research Day 2022 Call for Adjudicators

The HLI Research Day 2022 Organizing Committee is looking for adjudicators to evaluate oral or poster presentations! If you are interested in adjudicating, please complete this form by Friday, August 5th:


PI’s/Staff, Post-Docs, and Senior Graduate Students are encouraged to participate.

HLI Research Day will take place at St. Paul’s Hospital on Friday, August 19th, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Adjudicating at this event would be a great opportunity to learn about research conducted by other labs, provide constructive feedback to fellow researchers, practice or gain evaluation skills, and network with presenters, adjudicators, and guest speakers.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at Research Day 2022!

Kate Huang and Maryke Peter
HLI Research Day 2022 Organizing Committee