Group Training Sessions for Nanodrop, SpectraMax Plate Reader and QS6Pro Real-Time PCR

There will be group training sessions as follows:

  • SpectraMax Plate Reader: Tuesday, May 30th, 2:00 PM
  • Nanodrop 8000: Tuesday, May 30th, 3:30 PM
  • QuantStudio 6Pro Real time PCR System: Tuesday, June 6th, 10:30 AM

Please email me to confirm which session(s) you will be attending and come to Molecular Phenotyping Core Lab (Core 1, Room 292, 2nd Floor Burrard building just outside the double doors) wearing appropriate PPE to attend the trainings.

If you can not make the training session you require, please email Basak Sahin

Thank you!
Basak Sahin