Our HLI Lights of Hope Gold Star Campaign is underway and needs your help!
With the holiday season fast approaching, bright stars are returning to St. Paul’s Hospital as part of the 2023 Lights of Hope campaign.
Donations to Lights of Hope directly support patients and residents, and fund medical equipment, research and community programs across all Providence hospitals and long-term care homes. Your gifts contribute to compassionate care and improve our patients’ and residents’ quality of life.
Please visit http://donate.helpstpauls.com/goto/hli to make your tax-deductible donation. All donations made via our webpage will go towards our Gold Star total. You can donate anonymously or include your name on the running tally board on the webpage.
One more way to get involved, and bring the cheer to your own home, is to purchase a take-home star for your window through our Hope at Home project. Visit https://helpstpauls.com/lights-of-hope/hope-at-home/ for more information and to order your star!
Lights of Hope (LOH) is one of our most visible and important fundraising campaigns. Since 1998, your gifts to Lights of Hope have raised more than $50 million! Last year, donors gave more than $3.6 million, funded 114 urgently-needed hospital and long-term care programs, and supported 7,000 health care heroes across Providence Health Care.
Each year, the HLI team raise funds as a team with aims to put up a GOLD star.
To make a donation by mail, please complete the 2023 Lights of Hope Campaign donation form, link below, and mail, drop off or fax your donation as indicated on the form. Alternatively, you can call 604-682-8206 to make your donation over the phone.
Remember to indicate the team/group you would like to support!

We appreciate donations of any amount!
HLI Gold Star Campaign Team