Saturday, November 23, 2024 between 06:30 AM and 12:00 PM (noon)
All of St. Paul’s Hospital will be affected by the outage, except the Providence towers from level 5 to level 10 (A/B and C/D), and any RED outlets, which will continue to run as normal.
SPH Electrical Department will be conducting their annual generating load testing as per CSA standards. During this time, SPH will be running solely on generator power for the duration of the test.
What to Expect:
While the hospital switches between BC Hydro power and generator power, there will be one quick outage in the morning, and one quick outage in the afternoon. Both outages should last a few seconds.
These outages will affect items using white outlets, and lighting throughout the SPH. Red (vital) outlets and anything labelled Vital or Critical will remain unaffected by Saturday’s outage.
- The first outage will be in between 6:30 am – 7:00 am
- The second will be in between 11:30 am – 12:00 pm (noon)
An overhead announcement will be made prior to the outages.
Please help us make this shutdown go as smoothly as possible and protect electrical equipment from electrical surges by observing the following:
On Friday, November 22, 2024
- Complete all work and return all samples to incubators, refrigerators, freezers (as required). Turn off all non-essential equipment and close all fume-hood sashes before leaving.
- Do not open fridges or freezers after 10 PM. Open fridge and freezer doors only after the shut down is complete, and the unit has had time to return to temperature.
- Please turn off all computer equipment when you leave the Center.
- All printers in affected areas will be turned off by IT by 16:00 Friday, and will be available again on Monday morning.
- Do Not Perform overnight experiments. Labs in the affected areas may want to assign someone to check on unmonitored equipment, post shutdown.
If you have any questions before the outage please phone the Help Desk at 604-307-5872 or Dan Vikse Ext: 62706