Priority Budget Accounting

Budget Accounting (BA) is a secure web-based accounting system implemented by Providence Health Care Research Institute (PHCRI). BA allows centers to manage and track grants hosted across different institutions including UBC, PHC, PHCRI, SPHF under one platform. Users including Principle Investigators (PI) and administrators can easily and securely access financial data from any centre.

Users must be approved for access to the system. They must maintain their account in good standing and use Two Factor Authentication (TFA) to access the financial information. Please see the following links for signup form or account information:

User Roles Within BA Include:

Centre Finance Manager:

  • Has access to all grants identified under centre’s unique id
  • Able to add, edit and delete financial data

Centre Finance Administrator:

  • Has access to specific grants identified under centre’s unique id
  • Able to add, edit and delete financial data

Centre PI:

  • Has access to all grants identified under the PI’s name
  • Has only viewing privilege, unable to modify any financial data