Claire Smits

GEM Associate Director
MB77 – Basement McDonald Building

Lynne Carter

GEM Facility Technician
MB16 – Basement McDonald Building

Tatjana Ponomarev

GEM Facility Technician
MB75 – Basement McDonald Building

Farrokh Amini

GEM Facility Technician
MB16 – Basement McDonald Building

Genetically Modified Models (GEM) Facility

The staff of the animal lab are able to offer a wide variety of services and support to the investigators of the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation in order to help facilitate animal based research. We are a team of individuals who work together to accommodate all of the needs of our investigators. We are available to assist with all areas of animal research from the basics of husbandry and ordering to protocol writing, editing, surgical and technical services. We also can conduct complete studies for contract clientele. Our goal is to provide technical services which will ensure the best experimental results while achieving the highest possible level of health and well-being of the animals.

About the Staff

Claire Smits, GEM Associate Director: Claire is an RAHT/RMLATR and her animal experience ranges from anesthetizing a 13 foot anaconda to swimming with penguins in the Galapagos. Claire’s research experience includes development of unique ocular, oncology, dermatological , immunomodulatory models in mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters. Training specialties include technical procedures, protocol, report and SOP development, as well as 16 years in all aspects of facility management at QLT and GLP/GMP bioassay site setup in Scotland and Italy, she is past President of CALAS/ACSAL and is involved in educational events and training programs. Claire is also a member of the iCAPSIZE Dragonboat team and an ATTRACT committee member.

Lynne Carter, GEM Facility Technician: Lynne was born in Vancouver (one of the few!) and has been here at the centre so long that she can’t remember doing anything else (could be age though!). She appears to be one of the lifers along with a few nameless others (they know who they are!) Lynne went to school in Vancouver and graduated to the relief of many teachers. Lynne’s passion is her horses (who knew?) and all her free time is spent with them travelling to competitions throughout BC, Washington and Oregon.

Tatjana Ponomarev, GEM Facility Technician: Tatjana is a Tech 5 working with Claire, Lynne and Farrokh in the GEM Animal Facility. Eleven years ago I came with my family to Vancouver from former Yugoslavia. In the last 5 years I was at QLT working with rodents, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits focusing on ocular, derm and oncological projects. My educational background includes a B.Sc in Agricultural Sciences, a technical diploma in Microbiology and CALAS certification as an RLATR. I enjoy spending time with my son and daughter (12 & 16) and friends, and my hobbies include: creating and designing glass artwork, skiing and swimming. I’m very pleased and happy to be with the iCapture team and look forward to working with all of you.

Farrokh Amini, GEM Facility Technician: Mr. Amini has 18 years of experience with a variety of animal research models, in both industry and academic settings.