Before Ordering Animals

  • Have met with GEM staff to review study plan, whether technical assistance is needed, equipment, scheduling, training and timeline.
  • Ensure you have submitted a protocol to the UBC Animal Care Committee and have received approval to proceed.
  • Have completed the UBC online animal use course and relevant UBC Animal Care Course training and have certificate numbers.
  • If animals are to be brought in from a non commercial vendor, health reports and a letter from the originating institution’s veterinarian must be sent prior to placing an animal order. The health status must meet UBC’s Importation Policy Health Standards or the animals may have to be rederivded before entering the GEM Facility.
  • Breeding colony development: please meet with GEM staff to develop a breeding scheme and timeline.

Placing an Animal Order

Email the GEM Facility with the following information:

  1. Protocol Number
  2. Investigator Name
  3. Species
  4. Strain
  5. Sex
  6. Age
  7. Weight
  8. Stock Number
  9. Supplier
  10. Preferred Arrival Date
  11. Any Additional Details

Animal Arrival

  • Canadian approved vendors (Charles River) arrive Tuesday or Wednesday
  • USA approved vendors (Jax, Taconic, Harlan) arrive Wednesday or Thursday
  • GEM staff always check health status for each facility prior to placing an order

Orders can be delayed due to

  • Availability of animals (colony may have just been brought up from cryo)
  • Health status
  • Incomplete information or order changes
  • Shipping delays – weather, embargos