Below is a brief list of services available to investigators. If a procedure or technique required is not listed, please feel free to inquire about the possibility of having it done- chances are it won’t present any problem!

  • Echocardiography
  • Caesarian Rederivation
  • Cross Fostering of Pups
  • Mouse Vasectomy
  • Colony Management and Breeding Plans
  • Tissue Collection for Genotyping
  • Animal Ordering
  • Surgery/Microsugery
  • Treatments
  • Health Monitoring
  • Blood and Tissue Sampling
  • Anesthesia and Sedation
  • Intubation
  • Instillation
  • Virus Infection
  • Necropsy and Dissection
  • Euthanasia
  • Importing and Exporting of Animals
  • Housing/Husbandry
  • Biocontainment – BSL2 Procedures
  • Decontamination – Vapour Phase Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Protocol Development – Writing and Editing
  • Animal Care Committee Questions and Issues
  • Protocol Approval Information
  • Bioassays
  • Photodynamic Therapy Studies
  • Diabetic Studies
  • Oncology Models