Gurpreet Singhera

Heart Registry Manager
M201 – 2nd Floor McDonald Building

What We Do

  • Tissue accessioning and archiving, photography (including standard 35mm photography and digital imaging techniques), and quantitative analysis of digital images.
  • Standardizing tissue collection protocols, creating and organizing proper QA and QC protocols, keeping monthly statistics and budgets, and facilitating specimen data collection.
How to Access Tissues and Data from the Cardiovascular Biobank
  1. You must present your research proposal to the Cardiovascular Scientific Advisory Committee:
    • Contact Gurpreet Singhera to set up this meeting time.
    • The advisory committee will then vote on your project. If successful then:
  2. Obtain ethics approval.
  3. Once number 1 and 2 have been fulfilled, complete the forms below to request your tissue.
Things to Think About
  • Some “test” tissues for pilot projects, protocol development (results from these cannot be used in publication without ethics approval).
  • Method development DOES NOT EQUAL control blood for your study (you cannot use this consent form to enroll actual control patients for your study, you must have ethics approval).


Request for Tissue Sample Access
Request for Blood Vessel Specimens