Request for Leave

To request time off, or to inform HR of sick days, please complete the form below. Have your supervisor approve, and return the form to HR.


Staff are also responsible for tracking attendance on the UBC Attendance calendar. After you have received approval on your request for leave form, please mark the absence on the calendar. These are to be signed off by your supervisor and returned to HR every 6 months.

Vacation and Leave Benefits

Each employee group at UBC is eligible for different vacation and types of paid and unpaid leave benefits. You can familiarize yourself with your leave benefits on the websites below. Please contact Kelly Ceron or Chris Robinson if you have any questions and concerns.


Traveling? Take Your Benefits with you on Vacation.

If you are traveling outside BC or Canada, for work or for personal reasons, you should review your travel benefits coverage before you leave as you may be covered for certain travel-related medical situations under the UBC benefits package. UBC HR’s Travel Benefits section on their website has information on which services are covered while you are outside BC, as well as important contact information to use if you are involved in a medical emergency while traveling.