The Lab Technician’s Forum is accountable to the James Hogg Research Centre and is responsible for the day to day operations of the individual laboratories and cores.

A representative from each laboratory (wet) is encouraged to attend the monthly meeting. If a representative is unable to attend then a replacement should be sent so that all laboratories have representation as there is always a quorum. Technician forums are mainly intended for those working in wet laboratories.

List of Wet Labs and Core/Facility Contacts

Equipment, Expertise and Contact Lists


Meetings to be held on the first Tuesday of every month for at least 30 minutes in the Gourlay Conference Room, unless otherwise indicated. Additional discussions may be conducted via email as required at the Chair’s discretion. Please email the Chair with any topics/issues that need to be brought up in the forum.

Meeting Minutes

All Lab technician committee minutes can be found on the network in:
O:\MOM\All MRL\Lab Technicians Lab Managers Discussion Forum\Minutes