Flow Cytometry in the MPCL incorporates a wide range of complementary technologies which allow for complete analysis of protein expression, cell morphology, DNA content, surface receptors, enzyme activity, membrane permeability and ion flux. Our technicians have extensive training on all our equipment and can help with all stages of your project, from planning and experimental design, to hands-on advice, troubleshooting and data analysis. Training by our staff is required before new users are welcome to use the equipment (this excludes the Astrios EQ which is operated exclusively by our staff). Our equipment includes:
Beckman Coulter MoFlo Astrios EQ High Speed Cell Sorter
The Astrios is designed for high speed analysis and sorting of cells at rates of up to 70,000 cells/second. Specifically designed for research requiring Biosafety level II containment, this unique platform is equipped with 5 lasers, 16 fluorescent detectors and can sort 6 subpopulations simultaneously into tubes or multi-well plates. With unparalleled speed and accuracy, the Astrios is capable of single cell deposition into 6 well and up to 1536 well plates. The Astrios is also equipped with enhanced forward scatter detectors able to detect events as small as 200nm which is ideal for small particle characterization.

Beckman Coulter Gallios Flow Cytometer
The Gallios 4 laser, 10 color high resolution flow cytometer is designed for enhanced sensitivity when analyzing multicolor assays. The multi-tube carousel loader allows for high sample throughput and rapid flow cytometric analysis.

StemCell Technologies EasySep Magnet
The EasySep magnet is designed for use with EasySep column-free immunomagnetic cell separation kits. Our magnet holds one 12 x 75 mm tube and can be signed out from the MPCL for use in your own lab.
Siemens Advia 2120i Hematology Analyzer
The Advia 2120i hematology analyzer provides a 23 parameter hematology profile with 5 part differential for human or veterinary specimens using as little as 175μL of blood.
ThermoShandon Cytospin 4 Cytocentrifuge
The Cytospin 4 is able to spin 12 samples at once. Cell suspensions are centrifuged (200-2000 rpm) to deposit a thin layer of cells onto a glass slide while maintaining cellular integrity. The cells are deposited onto a clearly defined area of the slide while the residual fluid is absorbed into the sample chambers filter card. Biohazardous aerosols are contained in the specially designed removable rotor.
Protein Profiling
Luminex 200 Multiplex Analyzer with xPONENT Software
The Luminex platform facilitates the multiplex analysis of up to 100 analytes simultaneously in serum, plasma, cell lysates or tissue culture supernatants. Using a bead based array approach, rapid protein or gene analysis can be performed using as little as 25μL of sample. Our instrumentation is able to accommodate polystyrene and magnetic bead based assays.
SpectraMax i3 and iD3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader
The SpectraMax i3 and iD3 plate reader is capable of measuring Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence. It is also equipped with a SpectraDrop Micro-Volume microplate for the quantification of DNA, RNA and proteins in volumes as low as 2µL.