Genomic capabilities in the MPCL include instrumentation and technical expertise in this expanding field, providing researchers the tools for applications in a broad range of research endeavors. Staff at the MPCL can assist with all stages of your project, including nucleic acid / protein extraction, sample quantification, genotyping and gene expression analysis. We can assist with target gene / polymorphism selection, assay validation and design of QC measures. Our equipment includes:

NanoString nCounter FLEX Analysis System

The nCounter Analysis System utilizes a novel digital color-coded barcode technology that is based on direct multiplexed measurement of gene expression and offers high levels of precision and sensitivity. The technology uses molecular “barcodes” and single molecule imaging to detect and counts up to 800 unique transcripts in a single reaction. This technology can be used for:

  • Gene Expression Analysis
  • Single Cell Gene Expression Analysis
  • MicroRNA Expression Analysis
  • miRGETM (miRNA & mRNA) Analysis
  • Copy Number Variation Analysis
  • IncRNA Analysis
  • ChiP-String Analysis
  • RNA:Protein:DNA Analysis

Recent Publications

Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 6 Pro Real-Time PCR Sytem

The ABI QuantStudio 6 Pro is a high throughput real-time PCR system which allows for the detection and quantification of nucleic acid sequences. Key applications include gene expression quantification and the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The system is a versatile research tool utilizing a variety of chemistries such as TAqMan and SYBER green. The QuantStudio 6 Pro is also equipped with a 384-well block and powerful software to facilitate efficient data analysis.

Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer

The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is a micro-capillary based electrophoresis system which produces high quality digital reports of size and quality for nucleic acid and protein samples. Kits are available from Agilent for the analysis of RNA, DNA and proteins. Depending on the type of kit, chips can accommodate 11-12 samples. RNA nano chips are available for purchase from the MPCL.

The 2100 Expert software provides RNA integrity numbers (RIN) for the assessment of total RNA quality. A scale of 1-10 is used with a value of 1 being the most degraded and a value of 10 being the most intact.

NanoDrop 8000 UV-Vis Spectrophotomer

The NanoDrop can be used to measure nucleic acid and protein concentration of samples as small as 1 µL. Up to 8 samples at one time can be analyzed providing full spectral data for each sample.

Sample purity ratios are available in the NanoDrop 8000 software. RNA, ssDNA & dsDNA all absorb UV light at 260nm while proteins absorb at 280nm. The 260/280 ratio is used to determine the amount of protein contamination in your sample. Acceptable ratios are usually ~2.1 for RNA and ~1.8 for DNA. Lower ratios indicate significant protein contamination. The 260/230 ratio is used to determine contamination by organic salts such as phenol, TRIzol etc. Ratios below ~1.8 are considered to have significant organic contamination.