Paladin Security Group Contact Information

All Code Emergencies

  • 7111 (internal)
  • Follow the Code procedures.

First Aid / Security (emergency)

  • 5800 (internal)

Security Contact (non-emergency)

  • 4777 (internal)

Issuing of Keys

If you require additional keys please contact the supervisor of the area to request keys on your behalf.
All requests should be sent to HLI HR at

Lost Keys

All lost keys should be reported to “OPS Team” at immediately.

Information Required: Date and location of loss

Lost Swipe Cards

All lost swipe cards should also be reported immediately to Security 24/7, local 68323. Also contact the “OPS Team” at and HLI Human Resources  . HLI HR will list the card as lost so that no unauthorized person can use it.


Please have all sales reps, service technicians and other visitors report to room 166 main reception for a visitors pass.


Safewalk is a service provided by Security. Contact the security desk at local 4777 to request an escort for yourself (call volume permitting) anywhere on the footprint of the site. The footprint lies within the boundary of Burrard Street, Comox Street, Thurlow Street and Davie Lane.

Bicycle Lock-Up

Any holder of a St. Paul’s ID Badge will have access to the Bicycle Cage at the Entrance to the Parkade on Burrard Street.

Motorcycle Lock-Up

There is a courtyard just at the ramp that leads to the Burrard Street Parkade. For access to this area a key needs to be requested from Physical Plant
contact the “OPS Team” at

Lost and Found Items

Lost and found items are handled by Security. The Security Booth is located in the Emergency Department. Contact Information is stated above. local 68323

Please observe the following guidelines

  • Always lock rooms where there is personal property when they are unoccupied.
  • Never leave valuables unattended. For example, do not leave a handbag or jacket with a wallet in an empty room.
  • Portable computing equipment should be kept in a secure and locked location.
  • Never leave cash in offices, even if it is in locked cabinets in locked rooms.
  • Never leave keys, particularly if labeled, in offices. It is common for thieves to break open drawers and cabinets and labeled keys help them to carry out further thefts.
  • Shut all windows, secure window locks and lock all doors when you leave at night.
  • Carry your staff card with you and be prepared to show it at any time to St Paul’s Hospital Security staff.
  • If something does not seem right please report it to the “OPS Team” at and we will look into the problem.