HLI Research Week – Virtual Seminar – August 18, 2021

2021 HLI Research Week

Day 3: Trainee Oral Presentations – Second Dose

Date: August 18, 2021

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Location: Zoom Conference – details below


  • 11:00-12:30 – Trainee Oral Presentations – Second Dose
    • Katrina Besler (Francis Lab)
    • Keith Wu (Hackett Lab)
    • Chris Yuen (Bernatchez Lab)
    • Madison Hung, Emily Gubskaya, William Gervasio (Tebbutt Lab)
    • Genevieve Rocheleau (Russell Lab)
    • Meng Wang (DeMarco Lab)

Note: Please make sure your mic is muted during the presentation.

For more information, please email HLI Trainees

A full schedule including guest speakers, student presentations, and abstracts for all student posters is below, as well as an instruction booklet for using the online Gather platform.

Meeting ID: 645 2008 2193

Passcode: 589513

Call In: 778-907-2071

All aspects of HLI Research Week 2021 can be accessed from Gather, an online platform which allows you to converse with other attendees, view posters, and ask questions of student presenters! Our Gather space is accessible NOW, so please feel free to take a look around.

Gather Link:

** Please use your full name when you sign into Gather – that way we can moderate any unwanted users just in case anything happens **

Thank you to our sponsors for making this event possible: St. Paul’s Foundation, Providence Health Care Research Institute, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, and of course, HLI and the HLI Trainee Association.

Please contact HLI Trainees with any questions.