
Please send all imaging questions and inquiries to:

The Imaging and Graphic Department provides ongoing technical support and training in all relevant areas of photographic and image capture for the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation.

Affiliation text for presentations and posters (change the department as needed):

Center for Heart Lung Innovation, UBC and St Paul’s Hospital

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada


Poster Price guide is as follows:

Final Poster$5.50 /sq ft
Test PosterFREE (with a large poster)
Fabric Poster$8.00 /sq ft

Please see below for templates and instructions.

When your poster is ready….

When your file is ready, put it in “O:\Imaging\posters to print” and in the appropriate folder for the meeting you are going to. Make a folder there with your name and 2 subfolders – one called “test” and one called “final”. Use your name in the file name so I can find it at a later date.

Then email to let us know it is ready to go. We will have a quick look at it and may offer some suggestions to make it look better. Make sure you have a backup copy on another drive. It is at the test print that we find problems with images etc. That is why we suggest getting it to us 1 week before you need it.

How to do, Templates, Logos, Tutorials and more!

Important Files/Links


Do not see a poster you like, please ask as we have many more or visit “O:\Imaging\posters to print

Microscopy and Image Capturing

ImageScope (Aperio)

Microscope Tutorials

Imaging and Ethics